I’m back……

Well, what happened there.

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t posted for a while and for those who enjoy our blog, I apologise. For the those that don’t, I also apologise…… because I am back!

When you start to write something like this, you convince yourself that you are only actually doing it for yourself and if anyone reads it, then great.  That is a lie. You secretly hope that other people do read it and enjoy it.  Although I do sometimes like to go back and re-read some of our adventures, it’s actually nice to share.  That is, of course, until you get some cyber-abuse on a forum, where a small group of people tell you that no-one is interested in anything you have to say. Apparently, the fact that I am not producing some kind of Haynes guide for the Moody with step by step instructions including pictures and everything done by my own fair hand, removed any relevance in what I was doing.  Those comments combined with being quite busy at work stopped me posting for a while despite knowing that the vast majority of people who read these ramblings seem to enjoy it.  We normally get several thousand reads a month and even in self imposed exile it was averaging five hundred. So thank you for stopping me sulking 🙂 E7570D37-1A38-47EA-8EC4-C3B455440740and like the character in the film, I’m back.

So my time being pathetic and over-sensitive is over! I will try to catch up and will keep everything up to date since another by-product of writing these things is it is actually quite calming and relieves stress.

So what has happened in the last nine months or so since I last updated you.  Well on the boat not too much if I’m honest.  Work has taken over to a great extent as after leaving Moorfields, I spent some time at UCLH before joining Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital as the interim Chief Digital Information Officer. Work has been busy to say the least. The winter has been cold and so we have hibernating on the boat as usual.  We haven’t been able to move forward with the Italian project but we are starting to save up to finish it off since it is a prerequisite of us being able to move on. I also bought myself a little Lotus project car, a 1992 Lotus Elan Turbo, which is another way to ease stress whether it is fixing it or driving it!

I will catch up with a few of the things we have done such as skiing in Austria, some work on the boat when she was out on the hard and our first trip out of the season. I may even add a bonus one on the lotus and start a new theme 🙂

Anyway, let’s see if I can recapture the fun of the blog, enjoy.